Coriolis mass flowmeters
For all process and custody transfer (CT) applications
- Mass, volume flow and temperature measurement of liquids and gases, density and concentration measurement of liquids
- Secure wireless access via Bluetooth®, even in safety-related applications
- With Entrained Gas Management (EGMTM): Maintains operation over a wide range of gas volume fractions, even up to 100%, and complex flow conditions
Ultrasonic flowmeters
For process and utility applications, energy and custody transfer (CT) measurements
- Comprehensive portfolio for gases, liquids and steam
- High temperature and cryogenic versions, variants for high pressure and higher viscosities
- Various designs: From clamp-on devices to multipath inline flowmeters
Coriolis mass flowmeter for advanced process applications
- High accuracy (±0.05% flat), for cryogenic to HT media (-200…+400°C / -328…+752°F); maintains operation over a wide range of gas fractions and complex flow conditions (EGMTM)
- SIL 2/3; CT: OIML R117, R137, MI-005, MI-002; API, AGA; hygienic certifications
- Flange: DN10…300 / ½…12", max. PN 160 / ASME Cl 1500
- 3 x 4…20 mA, HART®7, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, Bluetooth®
Ultrasonic flowmeter for custody transfer (CT) measurement of gases
- 12-chord meter, for high accuracy flow metering of natural gas
- CT: OIML R137 (class 0.5), MI-002, AGA9 etc.
- Many variants, extensive CBM diagnostics free of charge
- Flange: DN100…1600 / 4…64"; max. PN450 / ASME Cl 2500
OPTISONIC 7300 Biogas
Ultrasonic flowmeter for biogas, landfill and sewage gas applications
- 1- or 2-path meter for low-pressure biogas (dry or wet) with a high CO2 content
- Integrated gas volume correction and methane content measurement
- Lap joint flange: DN50…200 / 2…8", max. PN10 / ASME Cl 150
- Large turndown ratio (100:1)
Custody transfer metering systems for H2
Metering solution for hydrogen
- Excellent measurement of pure hydrogen and hydrogen/natural gas mixtures
- Accuracy even at low operating density
- Self-diagnostic for optimal system performance